Anya Taylor-Joy, the latest sensation in Hollywood, has recently confessed in an interview that the role she would love to play at Disney is that of Elsa from the hit animated movie Frozen. The 27-year-old actress, who has successfully played leading roles in such series like The Queen’s Gambit and The Witch, confesses that playing the infamous cold princess in its live-action version or even voicing her in a new animated movie sound alluring to her.
“I have always disliked many Disney films but I’ve always liked the Elsa character because she’s someone so many fans can relate to,” Taylor-Joy explained. “What excites me is the prospect of recreating great components of her character through new means, be it a role in a movie or in a theatrical show. I would like to do a musical. I’ve always wanted such an opportunity,”.
It is rather understandable why every actress wants to take this role in Taylor-Joy’s case, who prefers such intricate, reel lives. Elsa’s emotional alertness and singing range appear to be complex, but the actress who has already managed to impress the viewer with dynamism will meet such challenges head-on.
Fans have enjoyed the idea of a live-action Frozen or a new animated video with Taylor-Joy, considering it fascinating given the long-held claims of a possible revival of the franchise by Disney. Otherwise, it has not been officially announced yet, but after speaking the role, Taylor-Joy’s applause has been added to the fire with several speculating that Disney may keep her in mind for the future ice and magical drama works involving frozen frames. As despite it coming to taylor, in Hollywood that is situated, she is quite in high demand and any lofty picture will suffice her including that of Elsa.
Nonetheless, for the projected political spine and Oscar placements of conventions AO Joy who has been hailed may go for a Russell Crowe poll at the risk of also Angela Bassett which has never been tried after loading into her scary. The matter is discussing whether or not she will later be seen wearing the cold blue gown. One thing is certain; Anya Taylor-Joy has a new direction, new goals she wants to achieve and a Disney animated feature could be what she needs next in her already stunning career.