Matthew Stutzman, otherwise known as “The Armless Archer,” is a Paralympic gold medalist and inspiration to the world of sports. Since he was born without arms, Stutzman defied the odds by teaching archery to himself and eventually becoming one of the finest at the sport. His path to mastery of the sport speaks volumes about his determination, resourcefulness, and the sheer force of his will.
For Stutzman, interest in archery was originally based upon need. He needed a way to become independent and provide for his family; thus, he decided to teach himself how to shoot a bow. Without conventional ways of someone with his condition training, Stutzman would not allow that to get in the way. He started fiddling and finding unique ways to adapt archery techniques onto his body.
Using his feet to hold the bow and his shoulder to draw the string, Stutzman perfected his way in how he could shoot so accurately. It was one of those trial-and-error procedures whereby he invested hours and time to be able to understand body mechanics. Stutzman would need to find a way of balancing the bow, aiming accurately, and releasing the arrow in consistency-all without the use of hands.
The thing is, success was all about his mindset. He never felt that not having any arms would hold him back but viewed it instead as a challenge that he needed to work with. He focused more on what he could do, and not on what he couldn’t. Such a positive attitude, combined with tireless working, eventually paid off when he began to compete in many archery tournaments. His big break came when he won a silver medal in the 2012 London Paralympics, later pursuing gold and having his name etched into the annals of history in the sport.
It wasn’t an archery story at all but one of resiliency and the human spirit’s capacity for adaptation. The road on which he traveled proved one thing: no obstacle seems insurmountable with creativity and will. Today, Stutzman keeps competing at the highest level, inspiring scores of other people to pursue their dreams, whatever the challenges.