Award-winning and world-renowned director Alfonso Cuarón, whose works Gravity and Roma earned numerous accolades, has lately expressed some of his fears in completing his new TV series Disclaimer. In this vein, he recalled feeling somewhat ‘terrified’ as he took a plunge into the realm of episodic television, especially in light of the fact that there are so many creative and logistical hurdles to get over.
For instance, in gracing the group, the Oscar-winning director outlined that his fears were based on production, which in television he surmised was always fast pace, which was very much different than the way he preferred working. “I’m not very fast. I like to shoot at my own pace,” the director, who had previously admitted he was not the fastest director on set due to his constant focus on little things, said in this regard.
This is the first time Cuarón will be directing and writing in the series Disclaimer which is an adaptation to the novel by Renee knight. Cate Blanchett and Kevin Kline feature in the psychological thriller about a TV news anchor whose perfect life comes tumbling down when she finds out that she is a character in a book authored by a man she does not really remember.
Even if it was a bit intimidating at first, Cuarón accepted the new format as both a challenge and a learning opportunity. Working and making television, he said, also takes one out of the box and into a different way of telling an account. “It’s a completely different kine,” Cuarón said. “Surrendering to the current is enough.”
With fans and critics 기대하는 and casting expectations on Disclaimer which will be one of the most thrilling series of this year. Looking at the pace and scale of television, Cuarón appeared to have some nerves but knowing him as the director who always tells emotionally compelling and physically magnificent stories, the audience is ready to cope with whatever the ‘pigeon’ is going to throw next.
Disclaimer is expected to launch the network of Apple TV in the year 2024.