The movie known as ‘The Apprentice,’ which is stated to have been based on the life of Donald Trump, is to be released to Russian theaters. The film, directed by Iranian-Danish filmmaker Ali Abbasi, will be released on 800 screens nationwide on Friday. This release occurred after the movie was subjected to censorship. As quoted by The Hollywood Reporter, one scene involving Jeremy Strong, who played Trump’s ex-attorney Roy Cohn, was filmed twice: the show’s image was partially covered by a black square, but the sound remained audible.
Producers have accepted the edit, explaining that such a change was asked to be made to fit the local audience without altering the flow of the story about Trump’s transformation. It has received astounding viewers’ and critics’ responses and has emerged as an Oscar contender. The film premiered at Cannes in May and received eight minutes of standing ovation and positive reviews. Marvel actor Sebastian Stan has been receiving positive reviews for his convincing performance of a young Donald Trump.
On the contrary, ‘Succession’ actor Jeremy Strong was widely praised for adding layers of extreme, intricate preoccupation to his character, Trump’s instructor, Roy Cohn. The black humor hit exposes the ‘Ivana only wears polyester blazers’ moment with Maria Bakalova on Borat 2. In terms of the movie’s box office revenue, it underperformed last month in North American theaters, generating only $1.6 million during its opening weekend.
Since then, the domestic box office figures have risen to $3.9m. Nonetheless, according to producers, international markets have been higher than expected, reaching $13 million in the global gross. Despite the adjustment, the movie was released in America on premium VOD on Friday, 1 November, on Apple TV, Prime Video, and Vudu.