The HBO critically acclaimed series Succession ended with a finale that was leaving everyone talking following the unexpected dramatic climax of the fight of the Roy family for power. Known for deep, complex characters and sharp and poignant dialogue to explore corporate politics that leads to a twist at the end, it sharply divided the opinions of the viewers in an interesting move. Some praised the boldness of the narrative choices, while others carried mixed feelings over whether the ending did justice to the intricate storyline of this show.
A Sea Change: Power Shift
Not an easy conclusion to the seasons of ruthless ambition, betrayal, and fluid alliances characterising the series, the season finale instead hangs on four nearly claustrophobic seasons of intense jockeying for control of Waystar Royco: the Roy siblings—Kendall, Shiv, and Roman—are put through to the mat with all of their long-standing rivalries as well as their greatest insecurities. Shiv’s last angry nail in the coffin: the definitive vote, which has just cast her brother Kendall out into the cold along with his long-sought goal of CEO, has left everyone in awe.
The impulsive handing of reins to outsider Tom Wambsgans, who coincidentally is Shiv’s estranged husband, somehow served as the perfect culmination of the show’s themes—survival and compromise. Some loved it, while others felt it was a bitter betrayal of the arcs of characters, especially the long journey of Kendall in proving himself worthy enough of his father’s empire.
Love It or Hate It?
Social media went wild debating the finale. Many praised the series finale, hailing it as a stroke of genius, while other writers were praised for having depth enough to twist what was expected and drive home the underlying themes surrounding power and succession debates. As one fan mused, “Tom winning is the ultimate Succession twist—it’s not about greatness, it’s about who can endure.”.
Others, though, felt emotionally tormented, perhaps especially with Kendall’s tragic arc. “Watching Kendall lose everything he fought for felt devastating, but perhaps that’s the point—no one really wins,” another fan reflected. Shiv’s decision to stand with Tom was hotly debated, with some opining it’s a smart play and others believing she has betrayed her family and herself.
The vagueness of the finale has been a cause both of celebration and of criticism, as it foregrounds the show’s resistance to tying things up neatly. At one extreme end, there are fans who believe that ‘Succession’s’ core message is that in a world where people are engulfed with greed, no one walks out clean. On the other hand, an emotive take on the show is that it stinks of nihilism in places. Therefore, what seems to have evolved into a bleak conclusion may be causing emotional exhaustion in itself.
Mixed opinions or no, the last episode of ‘Succession’ will, in fact, seal the history of the show as something extraordinary in the annals of cultural history. Brilliantly scripted and staged to perfection, with unmatched character development, this story will keep telling and retelling itself, leaving the audience clutching its themes. As the fans argue over the finale, one thing is sure—no one can deny that ‘Succession’ went out on its own ruthless terms.