Teri Garr, the Hollywood actress best known for her comedic roles, passed away on Tuesday in Los Angeles. The Tootsie star was 79 years old. Teri Garr was said by Variety to have been struggling with multiple sclerosis. For film lovers, it will be difficult to erase from memory an image of a woman, Sandy Lester, played by Teri Garr, in the motion picture ‘Tootsie’ in 1982.
Teri Garr had her breakthrough role and Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her spectacular showing in Sydney Pollack’s direction. His detailed examination of her Hollywood career, Teri Garr rose to fame for her role in the 1974 comedy Young Frankenstein, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. This comedy film featured Teri Garr as Inga. It featured an American grandson who goes to Germany to prove to people that his grandfather Frankenstein was not as insane as everybody thought.
Besides her prominent roles in Tootsie and Young Frankenstein, Teri Garr created many characters for several famous TV shows and movies. Since she has worked with such directors as Martin Scorsese, Spielberg, Mel Brooks, and Coppola, Teri Garr’s first speaking role was in the movie ‘Head’ directed by Bob Rafelson.
Teri’s most recognisable television series are ‘M*A*S*H’ ‘Star Trek (Roberta Lincoln), ‘The Larry Sanders Show’, and ‘Good Advice’. First of all, she acted in the show FRIENDS as the character Phoebe Abbott Sr. Many popular films include Close Encounters of the Third Kind for the character Ronnie Landers, played by Teri Garr, as well as the great blockbuster comedy movie ‘Dumb and Dumber’. Teri Garr is still a part of Hollywood, from old films and musicals to contemporary sitcoms.