“The director of Venom 3 says This Is Just the Beginning, hinting at a bright future for Knull, the God of the Symbiotes.”

One of the writers and directors of ‘Venom: Recent news from ‘The Last Dance’ Kelly Marcel, is that Knull, the God of the Symbiotes, will appear in ‘Venom 3’. Marcel thinks he will be one more step for this character, as he will become a part of far more significant stories in Marvel movies in a short while. 


In the interview for IGN, Marcel noted that the villain of ‘Venom 3’ is too powerful to be a one-and-done kind of villain. ‘’This guy is just so powerful; I don’t think you can just do him once, even though he is in this movie,’’ she said. You will understand that there is so much more to that. In this film, Knull is the nebulous source of danger, fulfilling this role to Eddie Brock (Venom’s host) and the symbiote organism. 


But of course, Knull would have to be included in the movie, though it becomes a mere platform to introduce the Eddie and Venom bromance. In this movie, however, Marcel reassured the fans that Knull would not come out as a loser and that his story had further steps. Comic lovers already know how massive evil Knull is, something much more than any ‘Venom’ movie could capture. 

Knull is incredibly old and predates not only the universe but existence itself. After that, he committed himself to forging the All-Black, a magical sword capable of killing gods. The disaster started when he exited an antiquated jail, and progenitors and blackguards competed for him. Marcel also discloses that Knull will be present in other films, whether in Spider-Man 4 or any other installation. According to the info, Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, and Andrew Garfield may come back as Spider-Men, and Knull could also be included in the movie plot.


There are also ties to the MCU, especially in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ where the Necrosword, a weapon associated with Knull and characters that can be on his side, appears. Maybe that is why Knull, from the cinema point of view, can switch to different universes, becoming an even greater menace for several pictures. It may well create big crossovers for the rest of Marvel films, particularly as the MCU progresses into multiple universes and divine characters in the current narrative. Some fans like Marcel celebrate what seems to be in the pipeline with Knull. venom3-director_3.

While some fans were worried that Knull could be dealt a hasty treatment in ‘Venom 3’, it is clear that the arrival of Knull had to be spread over the arcs. Finally, with the great powers of Knull that can unite heroes and villains, there is no doubt that it will become part of the list of the most significant villains in the MCU Multiverse Saga, like Thanos. 

However, for any die-hard movie enthusiast waiting to see the unfolding of Knull’s story or how he will set about altering the Marvel universe, there will always be the waiting for the third installation of ‘Venom.’

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