Social media went wild as supermodel Gigi Hadid melted everyone’s hearts craving their attention with the very rare and cute glimpse of her 4-year-old daughter Khai. The photo, which was shared online, showed a beautiful moment between the daughter and the mother and many fans could only admire the loveliness of the two.
Most of her fans know how protective of Khai’s life Hadid is and how she is used to limiting what her daughter does. The post was unique in that it actually showed a glimpse of Khai’s fun side. In the photo, little Khai is dressed in adorable autumn velvety clothes and has a fluffy sweat shirt on with her ringlets out on play. Gigi has always attempted to cover little Khai’s face from the public with no success but there are multiple instances in which her fans have been granted a view of the toddlers daily life which are quite strange.
In the picture, Hadid wrote just a heart, something which people tend to use when they take pictures of their love. In the comments, both the stars and just fans were hyperactive with compliments about the picture and its positivity. Many also congratulated Gigi for being a wonderful mother, managing her career and all the attention while covering her daughter up from the press.
Khai, born in September 2020, is her daughter with singer Zayn Malik. Khai has extended privacy since her birth and so both parents have kept her away from the public eye which made such moments all the more gifts to their fans. Although Hadid occasionally allows fans to see little bits of Khai, there is no doubt that she is committed to rearing her child in an atmosphere free of public scrutiny.
Because fans are overwhelmed because of this last view in Hadid’s life after becoming a mother, Gigi is busy with Khai whose center of the world continues to be. Gigi and her fans have become even closer due to this adorable picture as the fans support Gigi for openly loving her child.