Jennifer Aniston took to Instagram to share a touching message and photo with her late ‘Friends’ co-star, Mathew Perry, to mourn his death that happened one year ago. She also posted photos of them having fun on the ‘Friends’ set. The actress penned “1 Year” with a heart icon and a pigeon symbol alongside the Matthew Perry Foundation created in honor of the late.
The post started with a black-and-white photo of Aniston and Perry laughing while mimicking each other. Following that was a scene from one of the series where Perry and Aniston, who plays Chandler Bing and Rachel Green, respectively, lightly kiss her forehead. The collection also had even more memories, such as a photograph of Lisa Kudrow, Courteney Cox, David Schwimmer, and Matt LeBlanc; a happy-looking Perry was also clicked alone.
The five-part episode received the warmest comments from the fans, who took their time to pen emotive messages. “Oh, Matty would be proud of everything that has to do with you, Jenny,” another one said. Another said, “I have lots of longing for him, but I believe he is always with those I care for.” Investigation deepened the misery of Perry’s death even further.
Authorities always established that the actor had a fatal ketamine overdose, which led to drowning. In connection with the case, five people have been arrested. Thanks to the press conference held recently by U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada, he stated, “These individuals took advantage of Mr. Perry’s problem with substance use disorder for their benefit.” They understood it was moral and, nevertheless, acted otherwise.” Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry are famous for ‘Friends,’ a television show that David Crane and Marta Kauffman made for U.S. audiences.