“Jennifer Lopez Takes Benefit of a Spa Day Before Seeing Several Mansions.”

Jennifer Lopez was spotted driving around Beverly Hills, buying some skin creams and looking at luxurious properties.

J Lo’s hectic Wednesday began a couple of blocks from the Rodeo Drive, where the actress went to the spa and then a $27 million mansion tour.

JenniferLopez seeing mansions

Jennifer Lopez was actually inside the house for approximately three and a half minutes — or as much as she needed in order to take the necessary number of photos of the 14 thousand plus square feet, red-brick veneered eight-bedroom and ten-bathroom home — before getting back into her car and driving off.

We were informed that she then shot another mansion location, this time with a pool and tennis court in the backyard, which costs roughly the same, so J Lo has her favorite price range.

As we have been informed, Jennifer Lopez needs a new place to live as she is in the process of a divorce from Ben Affleck. We have seen her check at a 68 million mansion in Beverly Hills. 

JenniferLopez seeing mansions

Yet, Bennifer seeks to sell their $68 million marital home in an equally preferred and affluent neighborhood, and for a whole month now, the listing has not gotten even a single bite. Ben has already moved on to his own $20. There is a five-million-dollar mansion in Brentwood, but it seems that Jen has her sights set on remaining in Bev Hills.

Jennifer Lopez  never stopped smiling, and it didn’t seem like she was so much bothered by the divorce, far from it.

Of course, spa treatments and tours in the mansion are definitely going to cheer anybody up. Still, according to what we witness here, Jen is ready for a new chapter.

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