In unusual circumstances, Phoenix a prominent actor, who according to sources has garnered recognition from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, has now turned around and even angered Tinseltown by walking out of an unknown major film just hours before commencing work on it. Whether over his last-minute bizarre behavior or how he just picks the check and walks away after it’s been issued without you signing a contract, it turns out Hollywood is dangerous. The situation obviously needs urgent and addressing depth, so reshuffle of the entire cast poses tempers is very unhelpful especially when losing millions of dollars to producers and delay in schedule due to strife.
Word has it that the movie linked to one of the biggest studios in Hollywood was primarily a pre-production high end project until Phoenix chose to walk away. Although the reasons behind the actor’s decision were reported illness and “creative differences” neither of the parties involved has spoken on this matter publicly.
Hollywood insiders join those producers whom Phoenix went out and sought for his excommunication and while one of them describes his claim as now circulating a great deal of anger. The picture, marketed as a surefire winner, is postponed along with risks and the investors’ sunk costs. “We’re talking about a film that was designed to be a tentpole for next summer,” says one such executive at the box office. “He was the linch-pin of the film cast, and in this position, it is a logistics hurdle to change him now.”
Industry observers believe that the delays could result in the production losing millions of production, with some even casting doubt if the project will be finished altogether. The sources say that the production must already be in a hurry to find a good alternative to Phoenix, but the decision on the casting is a pivotal one, considering the one-of-a-kind actor and his fans.
Many in Hollywood are not surprised by Phoenix’s departure though many in tinseltown have been outraged. The Oscar winner has a history of cordial relationships with self-sufficient filmmakers, and indifferently discusses the opportunities of the movies from the only other standpoint – what can be of creative worth for each movie role.
While the search for someone new now commences, the aftershocks of Phoenix’s decision are still in effect across the rest of the industry and hence, makes this one of the most dramatic in regards to internal politics for Hollywood in recent years.