The popular Hollywood couple, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner, have officially finalized their divorce. As one year since the shock split between the formerly married couple went by, they had exchanged their wedding vows in an expensive ceremony back in 2019. This was when the relationship between them-which fans of Hollywood around the world have seen-was going to finally come to an amicable end.
The 34-year-old Jonas Brothers singer and the 28-year-old “Game of Thrones” star announced last year that they were separating over irreconcilable differences. In a joint statement at the time, they emphasized that their decision was mutual, filled with respect, and made after much deliberation. They asked for privacy during the tough times as they focused especially on protecting their two young daughters, Willa and Delphine.
The divorce, though smooth by report, drew plenty of media attention. Jonas and Turner both emphasized on the importance of being good co-parents: Putting the interest and well-being of their children first. As of the last known update, they have agreed on joint shared custody, where both parents will fully feature in their daughters’ lives. Turner is a British citizen and had stated that she wanted to spend more time in her home country, which will eventually factor into this co-parenting.
Although their marriage was over, the ex-duo during the months that followed kept relatively low-key with no public drama. Turner kept herself busy, acting here and there, while Jonas was off to his music commitments with another round of the Jonas Brothers’ tour. Both may have careers so big and glam, but both have been making sure that their little girls remain as normal as possible, giving their all to be good co-parents to each other.
It might be the end of their marriage, but the journey of Joe and Sophie continues through their shared responsibilities as parents. Fans and media alike have been hailing the maturity, grace, and dignity with which the couple approached their separation with such seriousness, although it turns rather challenging at the end.
Both Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have declared that they want to maintain a healthy, supportive relationship in the best interests of their daughters and appear to be hinted at having quite a positive co-parenting dynamic after divorce. The fans of this couple continue giving their best wishes to these stars as they embark on new chapters in their lives.