Lady Gaga, whose latest film, ‘Joker: Douglas, opened her movie ‘Folie a Deux’ at the box office on Wednesday, said she plans to marry Michael Polansky. She recently visited ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’, and disclosed that she and her fiance, Michael Polansky, have a couple of rather ordinary plans, as cited in ‘People magazine.
“We talk about going to the courthouse, just the two of us and ordering Chinese food”, Lady Gaga said to the host, Jimmy Fallon. But knowing me, it could also turn into a circus with unicorns, figuratively and literally. As per ‘People’, Gaga, who was on the show to promote ‘Joker: Folie a Deux’ also captured the manner in which Polansky proposed to her.
She said he wanted us to get engaged; he planned to ask me right after my birthday ceremony. It goes as follows: ‘Well, my birthday came and went, and I thought he was going to propose, but maybe he wasn’t going to’”. She then stated that Polansky “threw me a beautiful birthday dinner” and afterwards I saw him climb “which was super fun” rock climbing together. After being asked by Jimmy Kimmel for real, “You climb rocks?”. Does it make me love?” she asked him back, I mean, I do now she said to him, putting her hands around her mouth and calling the audience, I’d do anything for love and laughed. She said more about the proposal, “He didn’t pop the question at the top.”
We went up on the roof, took some pictures, and then went down. We were walking back to the room and talking, and he said, ‘Can I ask you’ …it was very Michael. He asked me in our phone calls if it was OK for him to plan on proposing, and I said yes.’ It’s so OK'”. “Oh, well, he did not do it from the top.” Are you sure this guy’s OK?” Kimmel jokes.