Movie star Liam Neeson, who recently starred in the Taken and A Walk Among the Tombstones series, has more recently come out in the media to admit that he used to be a drinker and if only he had quit drinking much earlier. While Neeson personally remained in December 2013, the actor told ‘People magazine that he wanted to quit the habit a lot earlier in life in order not to influence his sons in an ungood way.
Neeson said he was not a big drinker as he thought back to the time when he was drinking. He said that he never felt as though he was actually becoming “drunk,” but he had to admit that he was what he liked to refer to as a “jolly drinker.” He was able to sit and consume a bottle of wine within an hour, or sometimes even less, and then proceed to open another. He said he eventually realized what it was he did not want his sons to be subjected to or embrace. Criticizing his decision to quit smoking, he said: “I wish I did it 20 years ago.” He got a questioning numb. The moment that arrested him was when he said to himself, ‘Wait a minute.’ This truly is not a great model for my boys to exhibit.
To the outside world, and with little or no fuss, he resolved to stop imbibing. He just decided to stop, not even making it a big deal to quit. Neeson, in his interview with the Guardian, complains that his core personality did not change even after he stopped drinking, which means that his drinking was not making him go haywire or patronizing strippers in dramatic ways. The actor from Taken also said that most of his close friends had stopped drinking at the same point, and they were all in the same boat. In as much he was courting anyone who was attempting to quit, he used the phrase that is easier said than done.
Neeson explained that his drinking has been more frequent since the tragic death of his wife in 2009. He has wasted her money on drinking and began to regularly even open two bottles of wine at night. He stressed the presence that he never consumed alcohol at the workplace, but it had become too appealing to undertake during his spare time. Besides abstaining from alcohol, he has committed to regular exercising and generally keeping fit. He said that he exercises at the gym almost every day but refused to do so on the show.
The actor said he is so tired of hearing other celebrities talking constantly about their workout plans that he does not want to be like them and do the same. In terms of his future, Neeson will play Thug in the film Absolution. His retirement and long-term professional goals were not discussed, but he did allude to additional projects that were in the works.