Nicole Kidman and Salma Hayek were caught in the Paris Fashion Week recently. They were having an embarrassing time together. At the Balenciaga show, both actresses were seen on Snapchat taking pictures whenever something struck them, which created a buzz and a memorable moment online.
As per the reports, it has been observed that there was always some rivalry or feeling between these two celebrities, and today, the rivalry has turned into a social media trend and even news headlines. During the video, Kidman seems to twist her face away from Hayek’s in certain scenes where the two are just close to each other for the shootings.
When Salma Hayek reached out, approached Kidman, or stepped towards Kidman, the Big Little Lies actress gave a very slight don’t touch me hand signal by pulling her hands away from Hayek. This little encounter was filmed and quickly shared all over social networks.
Many social network users began to focus on their nonverbal communication and discussing what could have led to conflict. While neither actress has spoken about it, the short cringe-inducing second that was created inspired much discussion amongst fans.
People think whether that could have been a clash of some sort or whether it was intentional or not. Some people believe it can be an awkward moment in the vast and entire scheduled world, but others think there can be more than meets the eye between these two actors.