Pedro Almodóvar: The Unexpected Style Icon of the Venice Film Festival

Venice, Italy – The long-running Venice Film Festival brand and its achievement of excellence on screen are its viewer’s anticipation for the highlights filled with a red carpet full of stars. However, this time, instead of the usual Holly-wood stars or fashion designers, it was the Spanish mode creator and director of films, Pedro Almodóvar, who took all the glory. Almodóvar embodies every aspect of the film making – except he has now become a style idol as well – a bit unexpected.

Almodóvar, who is in his seventies and directed popular films “Talk to her”, “Volver” among others has made a fashion statement in all of the festivals especially on the red carpet during films. Almodóvar is known for his extreme style sensibilities but his last extravagant appearance in Venice was not just about the clothes and accessories and took his Liana fashion to the next level.

On the opening night of the festival gala, Almodóvar, taking the attention off everyone else was dressed in a well-cut coat that in style features handsome tailoring but also up to date details. He dressed actually elegantly, combining a bright cutting navy suit with the flowered shirt and the big quilted paisley tie. After that, all his details, perfumed body including spacy sunglasses and ordinary leather watch – were strange because how can you look like this with this age.

Nevertheless, what was most striking about Almodóvar was his boldness regarding fashion. There was a similar extravagance evident in the way he dressed, which was no different than the uniqueness of his motion pictures. Every such incident is old in my statement that fashion is an industry that, as movies, enables people to create.

Joseph Kosinski Confirmed Almodovar’s Status as a Prominent Intellectual, One That Nurtures and Overcomes Conventional Style. In the words of the fashion critic Maria Santini, “He is an artist who not only changes the table but the entire room – fashionable: Pedro Almodovar.” Surely, some of his works are both challenging and pleasing.

With the days of the Venice film curtain dropping on the horizon, people have come to realize that his fashion statements are not techniques of a self – promotional nature but mean to say much more concerning the issue of art and fashion. However, evolution of the fashion world leads to an astonishing yet very realistic total immersion in the topic and the most interesting fashion icon of this year is born.

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