Renowned pop artist Raygun, after receiving fierce hatred over her performance during the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, has rehabilitated herself, releasing an apology to breakdance lovers around the world. The performance received negative reviews from multiple dancers and fans around the world rather than paying homage to breakdancing’s history as an Olympics sport and culture.
As a result of the unusually entertaining dance, which combined various elements of popular dance and ‘breakdancing’, bitter discussions followed on the internet. There has been a lot of criticism from some segments of the breakdancing culture to which Raygun belongs, claiming that the style of dancing performed in this particular clip was brandishing in the wrong light and even making fun of breakdance culture.
“I am very sorry for how the members of the breakdancing community received my performance,” Raygun poured out her heart, in her letter of apology released on social media. “Instead, I wanted to honor the beauty of this art. I get it Now and I am sorry for this great art.”
Breakdancing, which is also referred to as Breaking, was first created in New York City during the decade of 1970s and within the framework of hip hop culture, but has progressed to become an international trend In preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics, guides as well as dancers preferred advanced perception of the sport at its very first appearance to an audience.
Some of the meat heads supporting Raygun however faulted such views and bottomed on the fact that it was after all good that she had wished to support breakdance at the Olympic Games. Others, however, suggested that break dancers should be more involved in future projects to monitor the process and avoid hoaxes.
Raygun has vowed to learn about the culture and work with the top breakdancers. “I am disappointed with myself for how I handled the initial criticism and the knee-jerk response to it and I will do better moving forward and am committed to learning from the experiences,” she said in the statement.
The case has raised questions regarding the integrity of cultural appropriation and the roles of institutions in different cultures by their inclusion of their members.