Actor Tom Holland, who is starring in ‘Spider-Man,’ has confirmed that he and Zendaya, his colleague, have read a script for the fourth movie of the series. In the new film, Holland will reprise his role as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, from the earlier three films “SpiderMan: It in Homecoming 2017, far from Home 2019 and No Way Home 2021. He has also appeared in Marvel blockbusters like “Avengers: Infinity War” and “ Avengers: Endgame”.
In an interview on The Rich Roll Podcast, the actor said he and Zendaya, MJ in the movies, were happy after reading the draft. We have a creative, a pitch and a draft, which is perfect. It requires regular updates, but the writers are doing an excellent job. I read it three weeks ago and found it sparked me up. “We read it together, Zendaya and I, and we were jumping all over the living room; things like this should deserve a movie and the fans’ respect, ” he continued. It was recently announced in American media last month that Shang-Chi director Destin Daniel Cretton was negotiating to direct the fourth part of the series, excluding John Watts.
Holland also talks about how it works in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is not just stand-alone films but a large part of the Marvel films universe. However, one must remember with Marvel that their film is a small wheel in a huge one that practices cinematic storytelling. And that machine has got to keep running.
There are things you must consider to ensure that you get a spot in your timetable during a specific period to benefit the larger picture. That is one of the problem areas we have realized that we face. The time we need to get that done is a tall order but achievable with the fantastic people we have working on it now,” he added.